Zilliqa vs EOS

May 30, 2021

Zilliqa vs EOS

The cryptocurrency market is flooded with thousands of blockchain projects, each with its unique features and drawbacks. Two such projects that have garnered a lot of attention in the community are Zilliqa and EOS. Both of these projects gained popularity for their scalability and high throughput capabilities. In this blog post, we'll compare the Zilliqa and EOS blockchains and highlight their differences and similarities.


Both Zilliqa and EOS have been designed to offer unparalleled scalability to their users through the use of sharding technology.

Zilliqa currently boasts the ability to support over 2,828 transactions per second (TPS) on its mainnet with plans to scale further. This achievement puts Zilliqa at the forefront of high-throughput blockchain technology.

EOS is another blockchain project with the ambitious goal of achieving high scalability. Its highest recorded TPS to date reportedly goes up to 3,996 TPS. This TPS is impressive, but it is still lower than Zilliqa's bandwidth.

Consensus Mechanism

Zilliqa's consensus mechanism is based on practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (pBFT). pBFT is known for its high-level security and the ability to achieve consensus even when some validators may be behaving maliciously. This powerful feature enables Zilliqa to maintain high levels of security alongside potential scalability.

EOS, on the other hand, has a Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) consensus mechanism. In DPoS, token holders elect a fixed amount of validators who are responsible for confirming the transactions on the network. This approach focuses on achieving fast confirmation times while sacrificing some of the PoW & PoS security only if the elected nodes agree.


The development community is an essential aspect when it comes to the growth and success of a project. Zilliqa and EOS both have active developer communities.

The open-source nature of EOS makes it a popular choice for developers intending to build dApps. EOS also offers several developer tools and resources that significantly simplify the development process.

Zilliqa also has an active development community known for its friendly and helpful support for developers working on the platform. Zilliqa provides tools and resources that make it easy for developers to build and deploy smart contracts.

Comparison Table

Here’s a summary of the difference between the two blockchains:

Features Zilliqa EOS
Scalability 2,828 TPS 3,996 TPS
Consensus Mechanism Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS)
Developer Community Active and helpful, with easy-to-use development tools Active and highly focused toward EOSIO integration


Zilliqa and EOS have both made significant contributions to the blockchain industry. They are highly competitive in terms of scalability and the ability to support dApps. While both offer their unique advantages, choosing between the two ultimately boils down to individual preferences, as it depends on the specific needs of the users.

Through understanding the key differences highlighted, developers and traders that intend to invest or build on these protocols can make an informed decision.


  1. Zilliqa: High-Throughput Blockchain Platform
  2. EOS.IO | Blockchain software architecture

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